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Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 14 years, 5 months ago

Module 4 - April 19th to May 12th


Module 4 Overarching Topics: The Nuts and Bolts of School Library Administration



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In Module 4, you will: 

  1. Identify aspects of the school library facility that impact learning and teaching.
  2. Identify sources for funding and means to secure them.
  3. Develop strategies for collection maintenance.
  4. Self-assess your development as an effective 21st-century school librarian, and reflect on and celebrate your learning.


Module 4.1: Dates: 4/19 - 4/23


Topic: The Library Facility: Equipment, Furniture, and Floor Plans


Focusing Question: Why do the aesthetics and functionality of the school library matter?



Module 4.2: Dates: 4/26 - 4/30


Topic: Budgeting, Financing, Grant-writing, and Fundraising


Focusing Question: How do you secure the funds you need to accomplish your school library program objectives?  



Module 4.3: Dates: 5/3 - 5/7


Topic: Circulating Materials, Collection Maintenance, and Inventory


Focusing Question: How do you establish procedures for collection management?



Module 4.4: Dates: 5/10 - 5/12


Topic: Final Reflection


Focusing Question: How do you measure your development as an effective 21st-century school librarian?

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