

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 14 years, 9 months ago


A.4.2a - Marketing-Advocacy Tool (for the TWU Pioneer School Library Web Site)


Marketing-Advocacy Project Assignment – A.4.2a (aka The TWU Pioneer School Library Project)


This is a small group project. The goal of this assignment is to practice marketing and advocacy for school library programs and the role of school librarians in student achievement.


For this project, LS5333 students will focus their marketing and advocacy strategies to the audience for the TWU Pioneer School Project. One goal of the TWU Pioneer School, initiated by the Teacher Education Department at Texas Woman’s University, is to orient preservice classroom teachers, education specialists, school librarians, and administrators to the roles and responsibilities of various members of a school learning community.


Your contribution to this project has the potential to influence future and current educators in Texas and beyond. Please read the information linked to the "About" page at: http://twupioneerschoollibrary.pbworks.com/


Assignment Objectives: By contributing to the TWU Pioneer School Project resource, students will:

  1. Make connections to LS5333 course content including educational philosophies, the five roles of the school librarian as defined by AASL, and school library program goals and objectives.
  2. Identity specific roles and responsibilities of school librarians and library programs (synthesize course content).
  3. Compose an elevator speech to share these roles and responsibilities with members of the education community.
  4. Identify marketing tools and create one that can help promote the role of the school librarian in instruction and leadership in the learning community.
  5. Use Web 2.0 tools to engage and expand the audience for this work.
  6. Work as a collaborative team.
  7. Summarize, discuss, and reflect on this learning experience by facilitating a Blackboard discussion for LS5333 classmates.


NOTE: You will be asked to sign a permission form to have your group work permanently displayed on the TWU Pioneer School Library wiki: http://twupioneerschoollibrary.pbworks.com/


To prepare for this project:

1.    Declare your intention to participate in this project in O.D.2.4b.

2.    Form a small group in O.D.3.3a.

3.    Determine an instructional level for the Pioneer School librarian your team will create.

4.    Dr. M. will create a final work page for you on the Pioneer School Library wiki.

5.    Chris O'Leary's about elevator speeches: http://www.elevatorpitchessentials.com/essays/ElevatorPitch.html



•    Review the Rubric A.4.2a - Marketing-Advocacy Project and the high school librarian sample on the TWU Pioneer School Library Wiki.

•    Create a wikispaces wiki where you will collaborate on this project and document your collaborative conversations.

•    Download, copy and paste the template onto your wikispaces wiki page. (The template is linked at the end of this page.)

•    Follow the template to create a profile of the Pioneer School librarian at a particular instructional level: elementary, middle, or high school. (Note: The image/avatar for your librarian will be connected with the elevator speech.) This will be posted to the Pioneer School Library Wiki.

•    Create a motto and logo to accompany the @your library® brand. Use it throughout this work.

•    Brainstorm roles and responsibilities and marketing tools.

•    Hone in on two or three overlapping roles and responsibilities and collaboratively compose an elevator speech.

•    Record and post the speech to your page on using a Web 2.0 tool. Possible tools include an illustrated VoiceThread, podcast, Voki, xtranormal, a narrated PowerPoint, or any combination of these tools. (Illustrations must include an image or avatar of the librarian; they can include images from the physical space of the school library.)

•    Create a marketing tool such as a brochure, bookmark, flyer (“Wanted” poster?), or wiki page to promote one or more roles and responsibilities of the school librarian and the library program. This will be linked to your Pioneer School Library Wiki page.

•    Share your Pioneer School librarian contribution and facilitate a discussion in the appropriate thread on O.D.4.3.



Technology Help

Visit the Help Page on the TWU Pioneer School Library wiki for podcasting technological help. 


Publishing on the TWU Pioneer School Library Wiki:

* Dr. M. will create three pages for your librarian:

    1. a homepage (that includes your avatar and elevator speech) and a link or downloadable marketing/advocacy tool;
    2. a library goals and objectives page;
    3. and a personal background and a personal educational philosophy page. 

* Copy and paste your final content or insert your files and link your pages as per the sample. 

* Add two links to each page that connect to your librarian's other two pages as per the example for High School Librarian Mary Margaret Perez:



Self-Assessing and Turning in Your Work:

•    Use the A.4.2a Rubric to self-assess your work.

•    Along with a link to your Pioneer School Library link, submit the A.4.2a Rubric – Marketing-Advocacy Project with the top part completed via the Assignment Tool in Module 4.2.


FORMAT for submitting rubrics via BB Assignment Tool:


Last Name_Assignment Number_Rubric

Example: Moreillon_Evans_Peterson_A.4.2a_Rubric




Sample Pioneer School Library Contribution: Mary Margaret Perez, High School Librarian


Template for the Pioneer School Project (.doc) To begin, copy and paste this into your wikispaces wiki. You will copy and paste a final version of this information onto your TWU Pioneer School Library Wiki Web site page following the example at: http://twupioneerschoollibrary.pbworks.com/H_S_Perez 


Rubric A.4.2a (.doc)


Assignment A.4.2a (.pdf) 


Publishing on the TWU Pioneer School Library Wiki:

When Dr. M. receives your signed permission form and the name of your librarian, she will create pages for you and provide you with access so you can post your work to the TWU Pioneer School Libary Wiki Web site.


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