Module I – January 19th - February 12th
Module 1 Overarching Topic: The Nature of School Library Administration: An Overview
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In Module I, you will:
Join with me in building our classroom community and begin to develop intrapersonal (self-knowledge) and interpersonal skills.
Create and organize a personal wiki space.
Examine your education philosophy in light of readings in current practices in school librarianship.
Make connections between content-area standards and AASL's Standards for the 21st Century Learners.
Topic: The Nature of School Library Administration
Focusing Question: How does the value we place on the five roles of the teacher-librarian impact the administration of a school library?
Topic: Educational Philosophy and Objectives of School Library Programs
Focusing Question: What is the impact of our educational philosophy on the objectives of the school library program?
Topic: Library Learning Experiences
Focusing Question: How do we initiate and respond to invitiations to collaborate with classroom teachers, specialist colleagues, and principals?
Topic: AASL's Standards for the 21st Century Learner (S4L)
Focusing Question: How do the AASL standards align with the published Texas (TEKS) K-12 curriculum standards, particularly in English language arts (ELA)/research and technology?
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