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Module 2.2 Dates: 2/22 - 2/26
Topic: Innovations and Trends: Part 2
Focusing Question: What are some of the inquiry and research process models used in school libraries today?
Readings Codes
- Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs – EL
- Standards for the 21st Century Learner – S4L
- Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action – SIA
- The Whole School Library Handbook - WSLH
- TWU Library Databases - TWU
- Blackboard Class Wiki (Course Menu Tab) - BBW
- Resources: R (in BB Module) - D (Download)
Readings and Viewings
WSLH: pp. 250-251, 267, 340-342
On the Web: Review: AASL Position Statement on Flexible Scheduling
R.2.2 - The Big6 PowerPoint: (Sample Inservice Presentation) – Available in BB Module 2.2
On the Web: No School Left Behind @your library and
R.2.2 - No School Left Behind @your library® PowerPoint (Sample Inservice Presentation) – available in Module 2.2
On the Web: Investigate these inquiry and research processes:
The Big6 (Eisenberg & Berkowitz)
Implementing a Process Approach to Information Skills (Kuhlthau)
I-Search (Macrorie)
On the Web: Online Pathfinders from Emily Gray Junior High - Tanque Verde High School (2008-2009)
On the Web: Internet public Library (IPL) Pathfinders
On the Web: Noodletools: Choose the Best Search Engine (Debbie Abilock)
Online Discussion: O. D. 2.2: Topic: Library Scheduling and Classroom-Library Collaboration: Questions, Comments, and Experiences
Assignment Due: A.2.2: School Library Services. This is the second collaborative entry in your Administrative Manual – Due Date 2/26 at 9:00 p.m.
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