

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 14 years, 11 months ago


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Module 2.4 Dates: 3/8 - 3/12


Topic: Evidence-based Practice


Focusing Question: How do we measure the impact of our work on student achievement?


Readings Codes


  1. Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs – EL
  2. Standards for the 21st Century Learner – S4L
  3. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action SIA
  4. The Whole School Library Handbook - WSLH
  5. TWU Library Databases - TWU
  6. Blackboard Class Wiki (Course Menu Tab) - BBW
  7. Resources: R (in BB Module) - D (Download)


Readings and Viewings


Preview the Assignment Sheet for A.3.4: Collaborative Lesson Plan Project


WSLH: pp. 133-138 and 155-161


On the Web: Library Research Service (School Library Impact Studies)  


On the Web: Focus on the Texas School Libraries: Resources, Services, and Students' Performance ("The Texas Study')




Online Discussion: O.D. 2.4a: Find a partner for A.3.4 Collaborative Lesson Plan.


Online Discussion: O.D. 2.4b: Declare A.4.2 Marketing and Advocacy Assignment Choice, a, b, or c.


Assignment Due: A.2.4: Inservice Presentation – Due Date 3/12 at 9:00 p.m. 


Spring Break: March 15 – 21, 2010


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